"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34

Maybe you are not willing to die for Christ, your commitment is not that deep yet. Are you willing to live for Him? The Apostle Peter (see the blog post from May 15) was afraid to say that He would die for Jesus a second time; but Jesus accepted His love as a step in the right direction of discipleship.
Say to the Lord now that you are willing to serve Him today; do not worry about tomorrow, worry about today’s commitment. Don’t let yesterday trip you up in loving Christ and His kingdom now. When today is over, then you will make a new commitment for tomorrow; when tomorrow is thru, you will continue taking it step by step, day by day. If you fall, you will stand back up again and reaffirm your resolve (Proverbs 24:16). Let nothing stop you as a believer in Christ; three steps forward, two steps back still makes you ahead of the game!
Consider worshipping with us tomorrow, May 19, 2013 if you do not have a church home.