A person's salvation is not dependent on what a smooth preacher might say, or how wise a certain guru might appear. Worldly wisdom is a hindrance. Even if the person preaching the gospel appears weak or unqualified, that means little in God's kingdom. The only message worth preaching is Christ crucified, and God will use us in spite of our fears and shortcomings to spread that message!
I. Introduction
II. Believers who are Witnesses Need to be Humble
III. Believers who are Witnesses Need to Stay Focused
IV. Believers who are Witnesses have Faults
V. Believers who are Witnesses Rely on the Holy Spirit
VI. Believers who are Witnesses have a Purpose
VII. Conclusion
VIII. Concluding Prayer
I. Introduction
1 Corinthians chapter two. Paul's basically in these first five verses of chapter two showing us his testimony among the church at Corinth. And from that, we're going to see what our testimony should be amongst those that we live among or live with. Mostly this is dealing with our testimony as a witness of Jesus Christ - to see what really our focus should be, what our purpose should be.
And, I know we've covered some of this. That's one of the problems sometimes of going through books. If the writer repeats himself a lot, sometimes we have to be careful we don't repeat the messages a lot. In chapter one (1 Corinthians), he repeats a lot about God's wisdom, world's wisdom. Why is that? Because he wants to make the point. It's important to know the difference.
And so here, Paul is showing as an example and we need also as believers to be witnesses to those around us. So we're just gonna go one verse at a time and I think each verse will teach us a different attribute of our lives generally as Christians, but also as as witnesses for Jesus, the first one notice.
1 Co2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
II. Believers who are Witnesses Need to be Humble
The first thing we need to be as a believer who is a witness, who testifies, we need to be humble. We need to be humble. Notice also he says "when I came to you." Oftentimes what we need to understand, if you say, 'Hey I've got the gospel', people are not going to be knocking down your door to come listen to it. Many times we have to go to them. That's what Jesus did. He went to people and then after a while, he gathered a crowd.
I had this thought this morning as Peter's going through the book of Mark. He always had a crowd when Jesus put on a show. When they thought he was gonna heal a bunch of people or do some miracles, you know, something really special, he always had a crowd. But when he got to the point where he said, "Okay, now you're gonna have to suffer with me", everybody left. We see that in in religious groups and Christian groups. People will gather for a show, but they won't gather if there seems to be some way they're gonna have to suffer for their faith.
So as a witness, we need to be humble. He didn't use fancy words. He says, "I came not with excellency of speech or wisdom." Years ago, I was visiting my mom's church. My brother and sister go there too. And the youth pastor who graduated recently from Bible college was asked to give the message that day. And so he wanted to show off his knowledge. And I still remember mainly, I don't remember what he said, but I remember throughout the message - I'm sitting next to my sister and it seemed like every other sentence she's giving me the little elbow and saying, "What's that mean? What's that mean?"
Because he was using all his Bible college terms and people didn't understand what he was talking about. We have to be very careful when we're talking to people about Jesus Christ, if you have any amount of Bible knowledge, don't flaunt it, I guess is the word. I mean, there are some people, if you're witnessing to people in academia or something like that, they may know these terminologies. But for most normal people, these big words, nobody understands what you're saying. And, so we have to be very careful and not use excellency. That means, also have an air of superiority.
We use a big word and somebody goes, "What's that mean?" You go, "What do you mean you don't know what that means?" That's not being humble, that's being proud. And so when we come in and when we talk to people, we need to be humble. Humble in our speech. Use words that they will understand. Not just spreading the gospel, but really anything about Jesus Christ. God's word is simple if we just take the time. Now theologians throughout the ages have added big names to all the beliefs we have. You don't need those big names as long as you understand the concepts. So don't use Christianized words lots of times. Don't use fancy words. Don't use 'excellency of wisdom', thinking you know more than the other person, that's not being humble again. That's being proud. We're to be humble.
Some people try to use the fancy words. They try to tickle the ears with words that really - they may not be fancy, but they're words that try to pique somebody's interest. Paul ran into this when he wrote to the Romans in Romans 16:18. He says (meaning the, false preachers):
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
So just because somebody has a good speech, is it a biblical speech? Just because somebody talks to you in a way that sounds good, does it match up with what God teaches. So preach. Speak humbly, not with fancy words. Not with your own wisdom. Instead, what is it? We declare the testimony of God. You know what the testimony of God is? I'll give you another word for it. It's called gospel. Very simple. What? Jesus Christ died on the cross, shed his blood, was buried, and rose the third day. He did all of that so that he took the punishment, the sacrifice for our sins and we have to trust him by faith.
So we don't need our own wisdom. We just need God's testimony. So be humble. It's a good idea even in your normal life. No matter what job or position you have, just be humble. Just because you know a lot, you don't have to tell everybody.
III. Believers who are Witnesses Need to Stay Focused
Second one, verse two. He says:
1Co 2:2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
A good gospel witness, a good believer that testifies is a witness that is focused. When you're talking to someone about Jesus, talk to him about Jesus. And they will try to veer you off. I remember, years ago when I worked in the foundry, I would talk to a couple guys that wanted to talk about the Bible. And sometimes it was real hard to get back to Jesus. They'd say, you know, where's the ark of the covenant today? Well, I don't know, but I know a better way, you know. And you have to be focused when you're witnessing to somebody because what you want them to know is Jesus Christ. You want them to know Jesus Christ.
That was the goal of Paul. He knew that he knew Jesus. He wanted everybody to know Jesus. And that means know him not academically, but intimately. Not the historical Jesus. Many people know the historical Jesus. You can read books, you know, the Greek historian Josephus. By the way, Josephus is one name. It's not a guy named Joe with the last name Cephas. It's Josephus. And I say that because I was probably in my thirties before I realized that. I heard a lot of preachers say it and all of a sudden went, wait, that's just one word. He was a historian. He tells about the historical Jesus.
Some people look at the Bible, it's just a history lesson about this guy named Jesus. But we don't have to know him just academically. We need to know him intimately. Know who he is. He wants to be not just your savior but your friend. And as a friend, he gave his life for you. And so get to know him. Get to know his righteousness. Get to know the new life you have through him. Get to know that he loves you. Get to know that he understands you. And so you can let people know that Jesus wants to be their Savior. Jesus wants to get to know them. You're saying, well, doesn't God already know me?
Yeah, but he wants to get to know you on a personal basis. That's why we say, we trust him as our personal savior. He's not just a Savior. He's not just God who came in the form of man. He can be our personal savior. And so we need to be focused to get people to know Jesus and him crucified. That's a hard one. People want to know the Jesus that teaches them how to live a good life, you know, the "what would Jesus do." But they don't want the Jesus that suffered on the cross. Deep down we know that Jesus taught we're to take up our cross daily. And if you start accepting Jesus as being crucified, you realize that when we trust Him, we are crucified in Him also. And He wants us to live a crucified life. But that's who Jesus is. When we're talking to people about Jesus, we need to give them the full gospel.
Oh, you need to trust Jesus because he'll teach you how to live a good life. Yeah, he'll do that, but just knowing how to live a good life won't get you to heaven. Oh, you need to trust Jesus because he loves you. Yeah, you can love him back too, but that won't get you to heaven either. You need to trust Jesus for what he did for you, that he was crucified, and we need to let people understand that. You say, well, how can I do that? Wasn't that what you believed? That's why we're witness. We just share what we know. And we're focused when we talk to unbelievers.
And I know sometimes it's gonna be hard. We gather with crowds. We wanna talk about everything else. Right? We wanna talk about sports. We wanna talk about music. We wanna talk about TV shows and things like that. But if you're there to witness to him, talk about Jesus. And not in a way in which, you know, what's the old term that we used to say? We used to beat people over the head with the Bible. No. Not that way. But in a way that you share the relationship you have with Christ with others because you want them to have the same relationship.
I remember the last time we were at the nursing home, I told everybody there. I said, you know, a lot of people had family and friends and things. I told them, I said, I would love for you to come to my church. But I would love it even more if I'd see you in heaven. So often we stop at, and I'm probably one of the worst offenders of this. We stop at, why don't you come to church with me and fail to tell him about Jesus. Now if you only got a few minutes sometimes that's all you can do. I understand that. But just inviting them to church will not get them to heaven. It will get them closer because they're gonna hear the gospel when they get here.
But Paul said, I'm focused. What I want to know about you guys is that you know Jesus Christ and him crucified. We can have a new life, a crucified life through Jesus Christ because when we realize Jesus was crucified, we understand that we're crucified in him. Amen?
Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
When Christ was crucified and we accept him, we're crucified with him. All of our sins are gone because when we're crucified, we die to sin.
Matthew 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
We teach Jesus and him crucified so people can get saved, but also to remind us - that's how we're to live our life too. Just like Christ did.
IV. Believers who are Witnesses have Faults
1 Co 2:3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
There's something we have to understand. A witness has faults. Just because you're born again, blood bought believer, does not mean you don't have problems. And many times we use those problems, those faults to keep us from sharing the good news with other people. But Paul says here, I came to you first of all in weakness.
We know Paul had weaknesses. He had frailties of his body. In Galatians 4:13, he says,
Gal 4:13 Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first.
Gal 4:14 And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.
We can't let infirmities of our bodies, sicknesses, health issues, keep us from sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ when we have the opportunity. It's okay to have faults. It's okay. As long as that doesn't stop you from doing what we're here to do. We just need to be like Paul when he said in 2 Corinthians 12:9. Remember he had that thorn in the flesh? He prayed. God said, "Sure. I'll heal you." No. He said, "You want healed? No." But he said I got something better for you. 2 Corinthians 12:9:
2Co 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
It's okay to be weak. It's okay to have infirmities as long as you let God's grace carry you and God's grace allow you to continue to share his gospel with other people. But notice also he says, "and in fear and much trembling". It's okay to have a little fear as long as you don't let it stop you. You know, that's what a hero is. A hero is somebody who doesn't let fear stop them. On a battlefield, there are those that turn and run in the midst of fear and the enemy, and there are those that go on and keep fighting. We call the ones that keep fighting heroes. Oh, they weren't afraid. Oh, they were just as afraid, but they didn't let that stop them.
So it's okay to have a little fear as long as you realize you don't really need those because of Jesus Christ. You're going out into, sometimes if you've never witnessed a lot into areas you may not be comfortable with, but that's okay. Because the word of God says, "greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world." (1 John 4:4) Over and over when the disciples ran into problems and they got scared, what's the first thing Jesus always said to them? Fear not. Fear not. So it's okay to start with a little fear as long as you don't let that stop you. As long as you realize Jesus can help you overcome that fear. You believe that? Amen. Good.
So witness has faults but they don't let that stop them. They may have these fears from without. Paul had everybody and his brother after him in his life, but he didn't let that stop him. Sometimes we have fears from within. I'm not good enough. I don't know enough. Maybe they're gonna start laughing at me. These could give fears. And they're all real fears, but don't let that stop you. The grace of God will allow you to overcome those fears to do what we're here to do. To preach Christ and him crucified.
V. Believers who are Witnesses Rely on the Holy Spirit
1Co 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
A witness relies on the Holy Spirit. We're not to walk in the flesh, we're to do what? Walk in the Spirit. We're to be filled with the Spirit, not to be drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit. And I'm not talking about the Pentecostal running around falling down. I'm talking about letting the Holy Spirit of God which dwells within you have free reign with your life. You're saying, well, I'm not sure what to say. If you let the Spirit guide you, He will give you the words to say. Well, I don't I know a lot of Scripture. Well, first of all, learn more. But as you learn it, you're saying, well, "I have trouble remembering." I'm at the top of that class. I have trouble remembering too.
I remember when I went to my ordination, they said, "Do you have anything to say before we start asking you questions?" In ordination council they ask you all these Bible questions. And I said, "Yeah I have one thing to say." They go, what's that? I said, "I know a lot of Bible verses. I can back up all my doctrine, but I have trouble remembering the addresses, where they're located. So if that's okay with you, we can continue because I really have trouble remembering where the verses are." I remember them. I can quote them. But where are they located?
I mean, except for maybe John 3:16, I'm at a loss. That's why I write them down. But the Holy Spirit will bring the verses to me. He'll bring these verses to you. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:26:
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
So as you learn the word of God, you get it here. The Holy Spirit will access that when you need it if you let the Holy Spirit guide you. I'm sure everybody in here has probably had a testimony. You know, suddenly you face the situation, you need a verse, and all of a sudden you just pop there and you go, where'd that come from? Well, that came from the Holy Spirit saying, "Hey, I just accessed your memory banks. And it was way back there. Had a little dust on. I had to clean it off, but here it is. This is what you need."
That's why we need to let our lives rely on the guidance of the spirit in all things. Relying for the power to witness. He says he didn't preach with enticing words. He didn't try to convince people with well crafted sermons. He just told people what the Holy Spirit guided them to teach from the Word of God. This is what Christ taught me, and now I'm teaching it to you. Not that hard. Just the facts. You say, "Well, what if they ask me a question and I don't know the answer to it?" Be honest and say, "I don't know the answer, but I'll look it up."
Don't try to make it up. Because you know what the 50-50-90 rule is? Given a fifty fifty chance, ninety percent of the time you'll be wrong. It's the same way trying to make up things about what God thinks. It's either this or that. And if you're trying to guess, you'll probably be wrong. Just say "I'll look it up". Or "we can look it up together". Just the facts from the Word of God. Finally, verse five.
VI. Believers who are Witnesses have a Purpose
1Co 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
As a witness, we have a purpose. And this purpose is that we build up people's faith so that they stand in the power of God. Not in the wisdom of men. Unfortunately, many, many preachers throughout the ages are self-help messages. "This is what you got to do to make yourself better in this area." And they never mention Jesus Christ. They never make sure those people that they're talking to know Jesus Christ. Because, honestly, you cannot live a godly life unless you know Jesus. You're not a Christian unless you know Jesus.
You can't serve God the way God wants you to unless you know Jesus and him crucified. That's what he wants us to do. Not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. The knowledge that we impart upon others so that they'll trust Christ shouldn't just be head knowledge. It has to move down to be heart knowledge. A lot of people know about Jesus, but they don't know Jesus. And I know sometimes you talk to somebody, "Oh, I know Jesus." Make sure that they know about Jesus. But more importantly that they know who he is in their life.
And the heart, you know, not just head knowledge, that's the wisdom of man, but we need to have heart knowledge. The heart is the center of our spiritual life. You know we always sometimes say, you know, "You got to ask Jesus in your heart". Some people go, "Well that's dumb. Because that heart just that organ in your body."
No. The heart symbolizes the spiritual center of your life. And there are verses that even talk about that. In Acts 16:14:
Acts 16:14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.
Her head, she knew God. But her heart had to be open to receive Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:4 & 6:
2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them
2Co 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
People don't just need head knowledge, they need heart knowledge. You know, one pastor said once the difference between an unbeliever and a believer is about twelve inches, between the heart knowledge and the head knowledge.
So we have to have purpose to make sure that their faith is not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge. They know Christ and him crucified. That their faith through God's power will bring change in their lives. That's how we know. You're saying, "Oh, we got to be fruit inspectors." That's not what I'm saying. But I am saying if somebody truly trusts Christ and has their life changed, at first there will be a change in their life. They will want to be different because that Holy Spirit really, to be blunt, the Holy Spirit hasn't had a chance for you to grieve it yet. So, the Holy Spirit wants to work in your life until the world takes over if you're not careful. There will be a change in people's lives because he says that when you trust Christ, you're a new creature.
"Behold, all things are passed away. All things become new." And so we need to help people. We understand that some people are still caught in their old sins, and they need to be learned. I think I told you this before. Years ago, I was still in the Navy and I was out door knocking with my pastor. We came upon this lady. We actually knocked on the wrong door because we're visiting people who'd asked us to come. We knocked on the wrong door. And this woman was a drinker. So she had a sit down. He explained the gospel. She accepted Jesus Christ. She was so excited that her sins would be forgiven. She offered all of us a drink. And some people think that's strange but that's what she knew, how to celebrate. She wanted to celebrate, so pastor had to tell her, no, that's not really how Christian celebrates. But we have to understand that. That there will be a change in people's lives. And our purpose is to see lives changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
VII. Conclusion
So as we finish up, let me ask you. First of all, are you a believer? Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? If those trumpets sounded now, my prayer as a Pastor, would the room be empty? I'll tell you what, I'm not sticking around to find out.
But if you are, you're called to be a witness. That's why God left us here. Because we can worship in heaven. We can learn his word in heaven. All good things to do on earth, but we can't witness to unbelievers. So if you're going to be a witness, be the best. Be humble. Be focused. Realize you can have weaknesses, don't let that stop you. Be Spirit led and have a purpose. To see people know Jesus and then start living in that new life. Let's bow our heads. Just for a moment. Let me ask you.
Are you the kind of witness you need to be? Do sometimes you get a little scared to witness, do you sometimes just don't think about it? Let the Holy Spirit guide you. The Lord's coming soon. And there's a lot of people that don't know Jesus that need to. So help us be focused. Help us to be on track doing what God wants us to. Taking the opportunity we can. Sometimes it's we get to talk. Sometimes all we can do is leave a tract. But share Jesus.
I don't know how the Lord spoke to your heart today. Maybe he's encouraging you to be a better witness. Maybe he's encouraging with somebody that he put on your mind that you need to go talk to. Whatever it is, let's go to the Lord now and pray.
VIII. Concluding Prayer
Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for your word and what it teaches us. We thank you Lord that Paul has shown us what a witness should be. That as we go to people and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, we do it with the right attitude, Lord. We do it not out of duty, but out of concern for their souls. Help us, Lord, to be better witnesses.
Help us, Lord, to be humble and focused, to be Spirit led. Help us, Lord, to have purpose in each and every one of our days. We thank you, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.